In het laatste weekend van augustus gingen Casper en ik Inge op weg naar de Ronneburg in Duitsland voor een middeleeuws weekend. Zoals heel vaak het geval is onder de re-enacters moest er uiteraard nog kleding afgemaakt worden in de camper. Dat was klaar en aangekomen beneden bij de voet van de Ronneburg bleek dat we nog ruim tijd hadden om iets anders...
Earlier this summer Deventer Burgerscap visited the Middelaldercentret in Nykøbing, Denmark. The reason of this visit was the joust that Bertus was going to do with Joakim (one of the jousters/employees/allround awesome persons of the Middelaldercentret). They decided to do a joust at large (without central tiltfence) with historical solidlances (the real deal), or how I like to call it: cantering towards your...
Yesterday, our order of custom made replica coins arrived. They are groten (groats) as minted by Jan IV van Arkel, bishop of Utrecht and lord of Deventer, between 1342-1364. On the front side of the coin is his portrait and his coat of arms. Normally the coins of the bishopric were made in the city of Utrecht, but extraordinarily Jan van Arkel also...
So, I got myself a jupon! In this post I want to look at some of the sources we have for this martial garment between 1360 and 1370, as well as my reconstruction. Sources What's a jupon? A jupon was a coat that was worn as an outer layer of body armour. Of course spellings varied from region to region, but the...
This summer I recreated a mid 14th century helmet with a nasal piece, this is its story. Prologue Our decision to attend the 2016 re-enactment of the battle of Wisby of 1361 meant I had a big deadline to come up with a whole new suit of armour. As it was my wish to partake in the battle on horseback I could no...
I have a new knife! Phase I: Documentation Ever since I received my copy of the book 'Der Pritzwalker Silberfund; Schmuck des späten Mittelalters' in 2010, it has been on my bucket-list to have a knife made with a silver handle-mount like the one displayed on page 31. This mount was part of a hoard that was discovered by father and daughter...