Feesten in het woud
Monday, February 28, 2011Afgelopen weekend was het jaarlijkse winterfeest van onze overkoepelende vereniging. Ditmaal had men het prehistorisch kamp HAPS hiervoor als locatie uitgekozen (Dank Sabine!). Nog net op de bosrijke Veluwe gelegen, was dit een mooie setting voor een paar kiekjes van de leden van Deventer Burgerscap.
Last weekend was the annual winterfeast of our umbrella society. This time it was held in the prehistoric camp HAPS (Thanks Sabine!). Located in the outskirts of the foresty Veluwe region, this was a nice setting for some snap-shots of Deventer Burgerscap members.

Nijso gave a educational presentation on medieval leather and medieval shoes.

To which Lea listened intently.
It was an opportune moment to use our new stonewear for the first time.
Also good food was prepared. Thanks Lea!
Machteld did some lovely knitting.

Sabine was diligently nalbinding.

Marisca was busy keeping an eye on her kids while having a good time.
Isis had finished her chequered stockings and so was able to wear two pair of them to withstand the freezing temperatures.
Others gladly made use of the fire to warm up their feet.

Isis was also happy to have her two cottes and lovely hood.
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